Wednesday, 14 March 2012

South Park clip on Ritalin

This episode of south park (season 4 episode 4) is discussing issues around the use of Ritalin on kids. I find this clip interesting because the character chef mentions hitting kids rather then giving them drugs. I think this illustrates a comparison of the two and shows a constant effort to find methods to exert discipline in school. I may do a review on this episode as it has many interesting concepts surrounding sociology of education.


  1. Nice find! Ties in well with the R.S.A Animation video on changing education paradigms.

  2. I find this debate on Ritalin a very interesting one! I think it'd be great if you did a review on this kind of topic. This whole concept of rising numbers of children with ADD and ADHD and how to deal with these children in the classroom is a central concern right now. How should we discipline students and how do we define what needs to be disciplined. A lot of the time young children can not hold their attention on a certain subject very long. I think this is natural for children and instead of diagnosing them and drugging children I think the way of handling it is changing the manner in which schooling is conducted.

    -Rebecca Thompson

  3. thanks for the reminding me about the R.S.A video nicole, I'm going to post that right away. And Rebecca I agree that the foundations of schooling should revolve more around the nature of the students. There is no actual rise of ADD or ADHD, it is only that it is more easily diagnosed as an attempt to exert more and more discipline and control. I feel that schools need to truly engage the students and children with course material, there would be more focus and less need for drugs or any other such forms of discipline.

  4. ADD and ADHD are problems in today’s society. More and more children are diagnosed with these diseases every day. When really is it an issue? This video calls attention to the fact that no one used to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. I think this debate on whether or not these diseases exist or if society is just more controlling now and needs to control the youth. The video itself said that the children were boring. It even made them seem like robots, regurgitating what they think adults want to hear. They said everything was fine and good when asked how they are, and really, active children should have oodles to say when an adult inquires about how they are. No one’s life is that boring, and the Ritalin just supresses the children into conforming into perfect children who do not act out aka be children.

    Glad you brought this up!

